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Read a CSV metadata file and convert it into a metadata list. A metadata file is a comma-separated text file (.csv) containing a line for each metadata entry. The first comma-separated field in each line is the name of the entry. The last field in each line contains the value to be assigned to this metadata entry. The value can be a string or number but is always saved as a string in the structure - it is up to downstream users of the metadata to parse/decode the entries.





Name of the text file to be read. If no file extension is provided, '.csv' will be added automatically. If the file is not located in the current working directory, then fname must include the correct relative or absolute path.


a metadata list populated from fname (one list element per row in the file). All list elements are stored as "character" class objects (even if the field contains a number, a date, etc) - no attempt is made to determine the most appropriate class for each item.


hold <- system.file("extdata","metadata_example.csv", package = "tagtools", mustWork = TRUE)
S <- csv2struct(hold)