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This function detects peaks in time series data that exceed a specified threshold and returns each peak's start time, end time, maximum peak value, time of the maximum peak value, threshold level, and blanking time.


  thresh = NULL,
  bktime = NULL,
  plot_peaks = NULL,
  quiet = FALSE,



A vector (of all positive values) or matrix of data to be used in peak detection. If data is a matrix, you must specify a FUN to be applied to data.


The sampling rate in Hz of the date. This is the same as fs in other tagtools functions. This is used to calculate the bktime in the case that the input for bktime is missing.


A function to be applied to data before the data is run through the peak detector. Only specify the function name (i.e. njerk). If left blank, the data input will be immediately passed through the peak detector.


The threshold level above which peaks in signal are detected. Inputs must be in the same units as the signal. If the input for thresh is missing/empty, the default level is the 0.99 quantile


The specified length of time (seconds) between signal values detected above the threshold value (from the moment the first peak recedes below the threshold level to the moment the second peak surpasses the threshold level) that is required for each value to be considered a separate and unique peak. If the input for bktime is missing/empty the default value for the blanking time is set as the .80 quantile of the vector of time differences for signal values above the specified threshold.


A conditional input. If the input is TRUE or missing, an interactive plot is generated, allowing the user to manipulate the thresh and bktime values and observe the changes in peak detection. If the input is FALSE, the interactive plot is not generated. Look to the console for help on how to use the plot upon running of this function.


If quiet is true, do not print to the screen


Additional inputs to be passed to FUN


A data frame containing the start times, end times, peak times, peak maxima, thresh, and bktime. All times are presented as the sampling value.


As specified above under the description for the input of plot_peaks, an interactive plot can be generated, allowing the user to manipulate the thresh and bktime values and observe the changes in peak detection. The plot output is only given if the input for plot_peaks is specified as true or if the input is left missing/empty.


BW <- beaked_whale
detect_peaks(data = BW$A$data, sr = BW$A$sampling_rate, 
FUN = njerk, thresh = NULL, bktime = NULL, 
plot_peaks = NULL, sampling_rate = BW$A$sampling_rate, quiet=TRUE)

#>    start_time end_time peak_time  peak_max    thresh bktime
#> 1         176      177       176 0.6430418 0.5039995  104.8
#> 2         745      752       745 0.5283571 0.5039995  104.8
#> 3        1051     1115      1114 1.4400981 0.5039995  104.8
#> 4        1223     1335      1224 0.7419494 0.5039995  104.8
#> 5        1462     1567      1462 0.7495490 0.5039995  104.8
#> 6        1712     1863      1768 0.7573250 0.5039995  104.8
#> 7        1996     1996      1996 0.6457465 0.5039995  104.8
#> 8        3923     3950      3923 0.5477980 0.5039995  104.8
#> 9        4061     4061      4061 0.5163881 0.5039995  104.8
#> 10       4185     4185      4185 0.5174222 0.5039995  104.8
#> 11       5308     5308      5308 0.5044518 0.5039995  104.8
#> 12       5502     5502      5502 0.5258842 0.5039995  104.8