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Compute the envelope of X using Hilbert transform.

Compute the envelope of the signal matrix X using the Hilbert transform. To avoid long transforms, this function uses the overlap and add method.


hilbert_env(X, N = 1024)



a vector or matrix of signals. If X is a matrix, each column is treated as a separate signal. The signals must be regularly sampled for the result to be correctly interpretable as the envelope.


(optional) specifies the transform length used. The default value is 1024 and this may be fine for most situations.


E, the envelope of X. E is the same size as X: it has the same number of columns and the same number of samples per signal. It has the same units as X but being an envelope, all values are >=0.


s <- matrix(sin(0.1 * c(1:10000)), ncol = 1) *
 matrix(sin(0.001 * c(1:10000)), ncol = 1)
E <- hilbert_env(s)
plot(c(1:length(s)), s, col = 'grey34')
lines(c(1:length(E)), E, col = 'black')