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This function is used to plot an image with an irregular grid. This is useful for plotting matrix data (i.e., sampled data that is a function of two parameters) in which one or both of the sampling schemes is not regularly spaced. image_irreg plots R(i,j) as a coloured patch centered on x(i), y(j) and with dimension determined by x[i] - x[i-1] and y[i] - y[i-1].


image_irreg(x, y, R)



is a vector with the horizontal axis coordinates of each value in R.


is a vector with the vertical axis coordinates of each value in R.


is a matrix of measurements to display. The values in R are converted to colours in the current colormap and caxis. R must be length(x) by length(y). Use NaN to have a patch not display.


an image plot on an irregular grid