This function is used to estimate the local magnetic field vector inclination angle directly from acceleration and magnetic field measurements.
- A
The accelerometer data structure or signal matrix, A = [ax,ay,az] in any consistent unit (e.g., in g or m/s2). A can be in any frame.
- M
The magnetometer data structure or signal matrix, M = [mx,my,mz] in any consistent unit (e.g., in uT or Gauss). M must be in the same frame as A.
- fc
(optional) The cut-off frequency of a low-pass filter to apply to A and M before computing the inclination angle. The filter cut-off frequency is with respect to 1=Nyquist frequency. Filtering adds no group delay. If fc is not specified, no filtering is performed.
Output sampling rate is the same as the input sampling rate.
Frame: This function assumes a [north,east,up] navigation frame and a [forward,right,up] local frame. In these frames, the magnetic field vector has a positive inclination angle when it points below the horizon. Other frames can be used as long as A and M are in the same frame however the interpretation of incl will differ accordingly.